
Easy doodle art
Easy doodle art

easy doodle art

The word doodle was first used in the 17th century to mean stupid or stupid. To make doodle drawings, all you need is a pen and paper (napkin, book page, even your hand). These works, created with the imagination of the content producers, are conveyed to the audience in simple steps and allow them to gain practice. Although doodle art is a work that people do when their heads are intense, photos and videos have recently been made to make these drawings easier to be made by other people. In this way, beautiful works of art can come out. People often make doodles while their heads are intense and thinking about other things. Let’s start! Simple and Easy Doodles You Can Easily Draw in Your Bullet Journal 1.Doodle art are the names given to the drawings that the person usually draws without raising his hand. Here are the pictures of the doodles that I love to copy! If you find something that you like, PIN it and copy it later in your own BuJo. I’m very glad and thankful that many bullet journalists share their doodles online, along with the tutorials so that anyone can do them too. These may not be as intricate or artistic as some of the BuJo designs that you may find on Pinterest and Instagram.īut for someone like me, who doesn’t have much artistic abilities, these are enough to satisfy my need for designing my bullet journal, and of course, to make things fun!

easy doodle art easy doodle art

Thankfully, there are lots of doodles that can easily be copied! Not to mention the fact that it is because of these creatives that I started my own BuJo. My bullet journal is very minimalist.įor the least, I only have the daily tasks listed along with the symbols I use to indicate whether a task has been started, completed, transferred or cancelled.Īs far as organization and productivity are concerned, I can pretty much say that bullet journaling has helped me a lot to organize my thoughts and get things done.īut I must admit, I like seeing beautiful designs.

Easy doodle art